The first phase of an innovative new energy generation project is all set to launch off the North coast of Lanzarote later this year. As the island government continues to work towards decarbonising its electricity supply with the siting of a an mWave energy converter, which has a generating capacity of 3MW, just to the west of La Santa.
As regular visitors will know, Lanzarote’s Northern coastline is much wilder than the serener south where the main tourist resorts are located (hence its popularity with surfers). And this consistent wave power makes it the ideal spot for the siting of an mWave energy converter which can deliver clean renewable energy into the island’s power supply.
Currently, Lanzarote remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels – which account for around 91% of the island’s electricity supply, with the remaining 9% accounted for by wind turbines and solar panels.
However, use of renewables has increased by 150% since 2010 with more to come as the island government remains committed to transitioning away from carbons. With the introduction of more wind turbine parks as well as making more grants available for households to install solar systems.
The Wave Park project is being handled by Enzen Spain, who form part of a consortium responsible for developing the island government’s decarbonisation strategy. And they have in turn elected to work with a British based company called Bombora – creators of the mWave energy converter.
Bombora conducted a survey in 2019 and discovered that the rocky plateau just off the island’s north coast provides the perfect platform for installation.
According to project manager at Bombora Rory van Weerdenburg, “mWave provides an optimum solution to help Lanzarote and other islands in the Canaries decarbonise its electricity supply as well as create a new industry for the local economy.”
The new Wave Park is projected to have little visual impact – which is of vital importance for an island that is a UNESCO protected biosphere. And the addition of further energy converters with greater generating capacity remain a possibility too. As Bombora has recently partnered with American company TechnipFMC to create a hybrid floating Wave and Wind Power project which utilises Bomobora’s mWave technology.
Bombora are also pursuing similar projects in Ireland, Japan and Australia whilst they are also completing a 1.5MW mWave installation close to their home base in Pembrokeshire.